
Getting around the CMS is easy, with the intuitive side bar that shows only the items each user has permission to see.

Side Bar

The side bar is split into sections to further classify each page - these are:

  1. Dashboard

    The dashboard section is actually a direct link to the logged in users dashboard.

  2. Schedule

    The schedule section is actually a direct link to the calendar of events for each display in the signage network.

  3. Design

    The design section contains all the pages for Layout design and Campaigns.

  4. Library

    The library section contains all the stored media, including DataSets.

  5. Displays

    The display section contains all the pages for managing connected Displays, sorting Displays into Groups and viewing statistics.

  6. Administration

    The administration section contains all the pages for managing Users, User Groups, Modules and Global Settings.

  7. Advanced

    The advanced section is for troubleshooting.

These options are enabled based on the user permissions for the logged in user. Permissions can be granted on a user by user or user group basis.

Profile Icon

In the top right hand corner of the CMS is the profile icon. This provides access to user specific data and options.

Profile Icon

All new users should visit this menu to change their password the first time they log into the CMS