
All content displayed in Designate is added / edited and served by a media module. There are 13 media modules to choose from and more are being added as new releases are made.

Modules can be enabled and disabled using the CMS administrator menu, Modules sub menu. Each module also has a range of settings available.

Module List

Installing new Modules

New modules must be uploaded to the CMS manually and then installed from the Module Administration screen. Un-installed modules are detected automatically and will be offered as installation options. See the below image for an example:

Clicking on the module name will install the module and refresh the page.

Designing a Module

More information related to designing a module can be found in the developer section.

Modules Settings

A Module can have a selection of its settings adjusted, exactly which ones depends on the module.

File based Modules

At times it may be necessary to add or removed the allowed extensions on a particular file based module. A typical use case would be if a client is being used which does not support that particular type of file.